Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Election and What I'm Doing About It

This is one of those election years where no one really knows what will happen. The "Brexit" vote in England went against all predictions. Politicians there borrowed from Donald Trump's playbook here: bash immigrants, "The Elite" and prey on the legitimate fears of working class Caucasians that they are being left out of this so-called "recovery." They have a point, except that immigrants, gays, and women having abortions are clearly not the problem.

I have never voted for a Republican, and I don't plan to start now. In my campaign for West Virginia Delegate, I aligned myself with the Bernie Sanders people. This was not political calculation on my part (although Sanders won in every county in West Virginia). I am thrilled that a candidate came up who was willing to talk about economic inequality, breaking up the big banks, and being inclusive of everyone in our country. Although Sanders is not traditionally religious, he embraces core Jewish values, whether he knows it or not.

I don't believe Hillary Clinton is a crook or even a bad person. She would have been a great candidate in 2000 or 2004. She lost to a brash outsider in 2008, and I believe she deserves to lose now. Only the system is rigged in her favor. Sanders pointed out in an interview in Rolling Stone that despite winning in every county in West Virginia, six of our eight superdelegates are pledged to Clinton.

Things are worse than that in West Virginia. Our Democratic Senator, Joe Manchin, did not appear at the state's Democratic convention, except at a lunch he sponsored in honor of the Democratic Party's West Virginia chair, Belinda Biafore. There was an election for a new state chair, and Chris Regan, a hero to progressives in this state, was defeated for the position of state chair. Still, we passed a progressive platform from the floor of the convention. I'm sure the platform will be ignored. That's how things roll here.

There's hostility in this state  from Democrats toward their anointed leaders. Jim Justice, a coal mogul, Republican until last year, and the wealthiest person in West Virginia, has not taken positions on most issues. Our Attorney General candidate, Doug Reynolds, has an anti-gay, anti-choice and pro-gun voting record. Ugh. And Hillary Clinton's record of being the Senator from Wall Street has not helped her with working people here.

I've been fending off people on Facebook who post horrible anti-Clinton stuff. Not Republicans, because I have "unfollowed" them, but Democrats. At this point, I'm hoping for a convention miracle that will give Bernie the nomination, or at least that the platform will accept his ideas, for what that's worth. Still, if Clinton gets the nomination, I will support her.

On the Republican side, there is shock and outrage every time Trump opens his mouth. Republican stalwarts are abandoning ship for fear they will be tarred with his legacy and shamed forever. To me, the Republican Party has pandered to racists and gay-haters for decades. Trump only says what they've been thinking all along, only with his Outer Borough lack of manners and WASP "tastefulness." They deserve him.

This year, we will have to eat shit (to put it delicately) and vote for the Democrats. For the future, I would hope progressives and unionists will form a new, more open party, pro-union, pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-diversity, and pro-environment. We can start by electing local leaders who can reach everyone , uniting anti-corporate, pro-worker, inclusive people of good will to overturn the status quo in West Virginia and in the United States. We have our work cut out for us.


  1. You may view "the system might be rigged in her favor" but she did win the popular vote. If there was no super delgates Sanders still would have lost. I agree with some of his ideas but he doea not have the congressional backing at this time to make any of his changes. Which leaves us in a big dilemma if he would have won the nomination. Maybe he can try again in 8 years in the meantime he can work Congress. Still luv ya Barry.

  2. Thanks for your input. Nice to be "luved." I would feel better had you left a name. Hopefully, we will be able to turn Congress around this year.

  3. Hello Barry:

    Yea, I voted for Bernie Sanders..... and you in the
    WV primary but, I gladly support Hillary in the general.

    Many of our state leaders seem to believe that tax and budget cuts are good in and of themselves
    and that empirical evidence to the contrary can be ignored. That kind of thinking makes a bad situation much worse.

    WV could start to move forward and become unique in the south east with a handful of changes:

    A commitment to environmental rights.
    A commitment to diversity.
    A commitment to education and economic diversity.
    A commitment to infrastructure repair and maintenance.

    Instead we retreat into an idealized past while we
    wait for a mythical energy extraction scheme to save us all.
    These kinds of prejudices are ready made for politicians like Trump.

    Have a good day. Steve Runfola . Morgantown

    1. Thanks for your support, Steve. I will also support Hillary Clinton in the general election. She has compromised somewhat with Bernie Sanders, who endorsed her today. It's very true what you said about a "retreat into an idealized past..."
